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New! ..THE PUBLISHER SERIES CD ! .. .. .. .. ..
2,000 Books and Reports You Can Publish And Sell!
Earn an easy $10 per CD - see below
YOU could build your own self-publishing empire and make a fortune!
If you possess the information that people want, YOU can produce it for pennies… and sell it for dollars! Even one of the business opportunity reports could get you started in your own business !!
The high-quality information on the "2000 How-To Books, Reports and Guides You Can Reprint and Sell" Instant Publishing Package is fully up-to-date, and written & edited by some of the most experienced direct mail professionals in the industry. Business Reports, Computer Reports, Legal Forms and more! Each of these books, reports and guides is packed with information that people want and need to read - and they will pay you to buy them!
With YOUR copy of the "2000 How-To Books, Reports and Guides You Can Reprint and Sell" Instant Publishing Package, you can:
Create your own publishing firm specializing in information marketing & how-to publishing!
.  .
You have FULL, UNLIMITED reprint and resell rights to all the reports in this package. You can even resell the reproduction rights if  you wish!
Use the information to create newsletters, books, special reports.
Combine it any way you want to make an INFINITE number of exciting, NEW products.
Use the information any way you want! You can even sell the full package, just like we do!!! THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS!
You will have the complete text of all 2000 books, reports and guides that you can print & sell!
Market these high-profit reports from your own home!
Keep ALL the profits - 100% - with no royalties to pay!
All Books, Reports, etc. are provided in ASCII format and can be read from any IBM compatible computer or any Macintosh that can read IBM formatted files.
You will find these files easy-to-use even if you're new to computers!

                       More Info
You get all these reports and more.... It's a Massive Collection !!!
     35 Money Making Mail Order Booklets to Print & Sell
     15 Reports on How to Earn Money Fighting Crime
     320 Money Secrets and Sources
     17 Reports on the Best Businesses to Start in the 90's
     38 Reports on Starting Your Own Business
     34 Reports on Success in Mail Order
     18 Money Making Formulas
     52 Reports on Advertising Success Secrets!
     67 Ways to Make Money from Your Hobbies
     38 Ways to Make Money from Food and Drink
     102 Reports on How to Live a Healthier & Happier Life!
     59 Business Manuals
     74 Reports on Generating Profits with your Computer
     And 100's more!!
Be one of the First 100 Customers to order our NEW Instant Publishing Package and get the following incredible FREE Bonuses!
(Order Now While Bonuses Are Still In Effect!)
1) A 200+ page book that will teach you everything you need to know to run your business Successfully and Profitably from Day 1!
2) A list of 276 places you can run a 1" ad for $5 or LESS!
. .
3) Access to a Secret Search Engine where you can keyword search over 1,200 Insider Business Reports, Legal Forms and Business Letters for the ones you want!  You can even view them right from your browser.
Web Site Design for Top Search Engine Positioning    Resale Rights Included!  Along with "Hot Tips For Top Search Engine Placement".  Read about everything in this huge manual by clicking on the title.   We have been selling this work elsewhere on this site separately for $24.95.
How Much do you think this package should be sold for? Considering the amount of material contained within "2000 How-To Books, Reports and Guides You Can Reprint and Sell" and the Free Bonuses  (even if all the reports were sold for just $1.00) it should cost over $2,000!  It would be a steal at $99.00!
But, as a very special offer, visitors will get this deal for FREE!! FREE!! YOU WON'T GET A BETTER OPPORTUNITY THAN THIS ! CLICK



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